Friday, October 23, 2009

Jesse's Stuff, playdates and school

Last year, Jesse was in UPK and he loved playing with Kate and we loved having her along... I never posted these photos but still think they are worth of sharing :)

It is so beautiful around here, and our very favorite spot to go to is the Kershaw playground ...

After exhausting play dates, we get our Mickey D lunch and chill in the car, watching movies :)

Some more playdates ... this one was with the boys' cousins, Casey and Conner ... they are all such funny dudes :)

This is Jordan and he was helping us this past Summer. The boys Loved spending time with him and Luky talkes about him a lot... we hope he can come and play again soon! :)

I feel like we had so much going on with animals in May... do you remember the post about the butterflies? At about the same time, we found snails in our drive way... we took care of them for few days... even brought them to Jesse's class to study them and then let them go free :)

One day, after we picked Jesse up from school, we saw this beautiful bunch of deers hanging out right by the road... amazing!

... and these cutties were hangin out in our back yard ...

Here are some photos from last year's school ending ... the kids were so adorable! :) Jesse was an Old King Cole :)


  1. Jeee, ze to ale Jassemu a Kate slusi. Jsou to osobnosti je to na tech fotkach videt. Mam trochu potize s prekladem ale ty sneci a ty srnky to je uuzasny. U nas najdeme maximalne ty sneky. A Jesse je moc sikovny. Je to borec!

  2. Jeste k tem snekum. To vypada jako by jste poradali sneci zavody:-)Tak toto napadlo Petulu.
