Friday, October 23, 2009

Returning home from Czech

I feel so bad abandoning my blog like this... It's been insane here, and my business finally slowed down. I have so much to post since our return from Czech, this past May. I know! It's been over 5 months! Well, I promise to share all the goodies we did since May. First, here is our return from Czech...
This photo is in Ostrava, Czech Republic, in front of our small airport :)

Boys are getting on the plane to Prague.

They were really so wonderful and well behaved the whole way!

Daddy waiting at the airport in NYC.

This photo is taken the first morning after our return .... look out of our living room.... such a gorgeous homecoming welcome :)

These are couple of our favorites... I love the ORANGE flamingos... we went to the ZOO in Czech and they were honestly this orange... like walking fireballs! Beautiful!

Jesse's personal favorite :) He couldn't stop laughing at the sneakers on the electric wires :)

1 comment:

  1. Tak to ti povim. Ten bozsky pohled. To je uuuchvatnyyyyy. Je to jak namalovany. Jo kluci uz jsou svetobeznici mezi kontinenty:-) A ty boty, to se take nevidi kazdy den. A jsme radi, ze jsme se tady u nas sesli:-)
