Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our Canvas Display

I have planned for this kind of collage for a looong time. I wanted something simple and beautiful for the boys room. I have to admit, I saw this idea on one Room makeover site and fell in love with it. It took me the whole day to choose and process the photos, but I can't express how happy I am with these. For now, they are sitting on our "Unfinished fireplace" :-) but I am hoping the place them in the boys' room over this weekend. Here is how it looks like... each panel is 11x22" in size. I really Love my "Little" Buck collage. Whatcha think? :-)

... and this one is just a shot of the fireplace with the photos that are probably gonna stay there :-)

Friday, March 20, 2009

My little Lax players ...

Not long ago, Lucas wasn't even walking yet. Now? He is so fast we have to keep an eye on him all the time! Otherwise he will run off to the road in a flash! I caught them playing lacrosse with their dad. Aren't they adorable? :-) I wonder how long they will enjoy this sport before they change their mind and ask for a Football or Soccer gear :-)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Catching up ...

I planned on retaking this shot for a loooong time. I really wanted to take another
shot before I put these Jerseys away. After I put them together with the originals taken about 2 years ago, I laughed so hard that Stephen ran all the way downstairs to check what happened to me. Well, judge yourself! Besides that the shirts are quite tight, Jesse hasn't changed much. On the other hand... Lucas is absolutely different :-) I can't get over the bald head! :-)