Jesse never did anything like using mom's lipstick or drawing on the walls, but this summer, he really caught up. One day, he took a permanent marker and drew lines all around the entrance room and kitchen... and if he couldn't reach the wall, he just continued over the furniture. Unfortunately, I was so mad I didn't take a photo, but the next day, he came to cuddle. I touched the side of his head and felt something funny. He gave him self a haircut! I definitely took picture of that! He has quite short hair, but still managed to cut more... :) He looked sooo funny.
... and here is Lucas and his Professional haircut... I don't think this was one of his best ones :)
Luky dressed himself :)
The boys dipping their dirty feet in the sink :)
... and here is Lucas and his Professional haircut... I don't think this was one of his best ones :)
Luky dressed himself :)
The boys dipping their dirty feet in the sink :)
JESSE pulling his tooth out :) OUCH
Juuuu krtkove. Parada. Jestli to dobre chapu Jesse neco namaloval na stenu a nabytek:-) Skoda, ze nemas foto :-). A ten sestrih je velice moderni, nadcasovy. Kluci jsou proste bohovsky nadherny. Ovsem vyndat si zub to chce odvahu, to jen tak nekdo nedokaze. Jessik ted vypada drsne:-)