Sunday, February 15, 2009


We didn't have our skates on us this day, but it was too beautiful outside not to go and slide on this frozen pond. Of course, Mommy trying to show off fell so bad that she couldn't walk for a few days, but I am up and running again :-) I still have this beautiful photo sequence (taken by daddy) to remember the fall by. You can tell who really cared about mommy! :-) When Lucas found out we are all OK, he just left me and Jesse there like nothing happened. :-) I think this one is after Daddy ;-) right Hun?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Iceland on Canandaigua Lake

It's been so cold that the whole lake froze. The day we decided to go sledding was quite warm and the snow started melting. How much? Watchit! YUK!

We didn't go sledding ourselves, we called the boys' cousins, Casey and Conner to come along! It was so much fun! When we had enough we took a short walk on the lake.

After the lake cruise, we loaded the soaked bundles in the trunk and drove'em up the hill... :-) to our home, and they played inside for the rest of the day happily ever after.

Cars and Motorcycles

The winter is so long and cold, but we had to get out for a while to test if our battery cars are still working. It was so cold, but the boys loved it. We cannot wait for better weather though... it would be so much more fun not wearing those heavy coats and hats!

... and this is how the boys took over our living room! Lucky we have so much room to ride inside! ... ;-) anything to keep the little devils busy!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lucas turning 2!

I thought this day would never come, Lucas being loud, happy 2-yr old dude:-) When Lucas was born, he just cried and cried and cried .... three months gone... still cried... six months gone... cried... nine months .... STILL CRIED!!... the doctors said ... it was colic but colic should be gone by three months! Maybe, it was colic at the beginning, but then it just turned into training mommy for the future.... because that's how it was... even the doctors said to do anything to please him, so we did... and you know what? We still DO anything to please him :-) letting him to take over everything his big brother has, asking Jesse to do what Lucas wants... but I think it is time for the BIG change little BUD! :-) You are big enough and now, you are on your own... Jesse was punished enough for ya! Let's see who wins! :-) You just turned 2, this means, you are a big boy ... getting a haircut and all.... :-)
Well, Luky just celebrated his 2nd B-day. The most important part for mommy is to make a good memorable cake for the boys.... now... did I know what to do for LUKY? He doesn't have any hobbies yet.... maybe picking on Jesse or fighting over stuff, but making a cake out of it? Not sure.... so we came up with this cut little yellow-orange buggy car with wagons. He just discovered this car in our sun room and was soo impressed with it, that this gave me the idea. I am sure almost all of your children had one! He loved it and he loved his party, especially the part playing with his cousins. Happy Birthday LUKY! Love ya!

Luky got a haircut!

I never realized how funny Lucas looked with his long hair :-). He was born without anything on his head, so when he started growing hair, I just couldn't let it go and cut it! :-) I think it was time though... this isn't really his first haircut, but we went very slow, from long to little shorter and then even shorter. I think he looks so adorable with his haircut! :-) He actually looks like a little boy! :-)