Sunday, April 25, 2010

Winter Fun Brrrrr

Everyone thinks, that ME, coming from freezing Europe, being used to snow and walking and all, should be outside all the time. Honestly, that's true!! I grew up with snow and cold around, but also, I have been here, in the US for more than 11 years, and that is, my friends, how I got so spoiled! I don't drive my car to my mailbox just yet, but I am very close! :) However, this one snowy day, out of a blue, I decided to join my boys and their best buddy Dicky on their sledding adventure. I really forgot how much fun this can be... but to be honest, the real reason why I went sledding was, because I didn't have any winter photos of them :) and besides that we were soaked, the photos and the sledding turned out to be so much fun!

... this is how the Pro's ride ...

Yep! Up the hill Momma!!!
... yes... that's me the snowball underneath Jesse :)
... and hooooraaayyy down the hill!!!!!

IT WAS FUN!!! Thanks Dicky for taking the boys! :) I do need to be pushed into the physical activities a little :) I admit ;)


You know.... one of those Mommy things.... is... you can't say NO to your kids? Well, I definitely am one of those mom. The boys bothered me for weeks, so we bundled up and headed out to a nearby Church parking lot... It really was fun and we took some very cute pictures, but boy! It was cold! :)


  1. No reknu ti, vy si tu zimu uzivate. To musel byt paradni den. Vsichni se tvarite tak stastne. Motorky jsou paradni a kluci na nich valej. Take deska na ktere jezdite je moc pekna. Nic podobneho jsem zatim nevidel :-) Delas toho pro kluky opravdu hodne. Ale hlavne, kdybych te neznal, prisahal bych, ze s klukama jezdi o kousek starsi, velice pohledna sestra. Vypadas opravdu fantesticky.


    Hi to all from Texas!

