Monday, October 26, 2009

Jesse's First Bus Ride and First Day at School

This event was such a big deal! :) Jesse could hardly fall asleep the night before. This was the first time he was finally getting on the bus :) Of course, this was a test drive, with mom or dad, then coming to school to meet our teacher :)
This is Jesse waiving at his bus :) He was sooo cute! He couldn't stop smiling the whole time riding his bus.

Luky and Daddy met us at school. Luky wasn't really happy in the classroom and daddy took him for a walk and they were checking out all the buses. This one is #55, Jesse's bus...

Jesse being tested by his teacher :)

After the orientation, we went down the lake and had a picnic :) We Love Mickey D :)

... and this is THE DAY. :) His very first time on the bus all alone! He was a little nervous, but couple stops later, his favorite cousin Casey got on the bus and took Jesse all the way to his classroom. Jesse was soooo excited! :)

... it was a loooong wait .... :)

..... aaaaaaaaaaaaah... aren't they adorable?

YEP! The bus is here! Luky turned to us and said: "OK mommy bye bye!" He was used to go with Jesse everywhere and couldn't understand why he cannot leave with him. He cried a while, but calmed down after :)

OK mom and dad, see ya later! Love ya ...

And this one is Jesse off the bus his first day :)

His first thought was to get in his lunch bag and eat his food :) I think he was too shy to eat at school.... just like his mommy! :)

YUMMY.... it was GOOD! :)

Luky was devastated every morning when he couldn't get on the bus with Jesse. It was breaking my heart :) and I called the local bus service. CATS - County Area Transit System. We scheduled a ride for the following Monday. The bus picked us up at 9.30am took us to Walmart :) We shopped for an hour and the bus picked us up again, and drove us back home :) Luky was the happiest little boy that day :) and that's what counts right?

K, let's get on the bus mommy!

He was the cutest little pumpkin :)

I am here mommy! I am sitting all by myself!

Hurry up mommy, the Kitty Cat bus is waiting for us!

OK, now, I have to put this adventure on the blog.... ;)

Ufffff, it was an exhausting day!



  1. I loved this story. Thanks for sharing and putting me in it! What a great idea to go on the CATS bus with Lucas!

  2. No tedy toto jsem nejak prehledl a pritom je to krasny pribeh. To je uuuplny roman, ktery by stalo za to zfilmovat. Je to velmi krasne a trosicku i smutne jak chtel Luky jet s Jessikem do skoly a byl smutna, ze nemuze s braskou. Ale nakonec mnel autobus sam pro sebe..a byl ohromne byl senzacni napad. A Luky je moooc stastny a jak rikas to se pocita!!:-)
