Monday, October 26, 2009

Airplane day

I just happened to photographer a beautiful family with new born twin boys. They are soooo cute! So we talk and talk and they offered us a plane ride! WOW! Both, Jill and Chris are PRO pilots and run the airport in Canandaigua. Well, we came the next day to see the planes, but the weather just wasn't cooperating that day, so we were checking out all the little planes. It was amazing! Of course, me being protective mommy was afraid at first, but I am actually were excited to for a quick site seeing ride. We will definitely post when it happens, but the weather has been playing with us a bit...

This one is my favorite plane :) It kinda looks like a bee :)

This gorgeous young lady is my friend, and the pilot who will fly us around :)

The boys were in seventh heaven ...

... and a little family photo for the blog :)


  1. To je krasne letadlo. Skoda, ze si s vami pocasi zahrava ale urcite bude jednou krasne a let si vsichni vychutnate. Uz se nemuzu dockat fotek ze vzduchu:-). Neuveritelne vam to slusi. A vis, ze jsem nikdy neletel ani malym ani velkym. Porad se prepravuji po zemi...a take mas krasne pozadi na blogu. Takove aktualni podzimni. Tak az vam to vyjde...stastny let!

  2. Musi to byt uchvetne sedet za kniplem. Trosicku klukum zavidim :-)
