Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter Hunt!

It was so freezing this morning that I couldn't imagine Egg hunting! It really was too cold to leave the house so we did our own quick hunting. The boys were too cute not the share with you...


  1. Super cute! Looks like you have a great Easter! Your boys are supper cute and I love the matching sweaters!

  2. No vy si ty velikonoce ale uzivate. Skoro vam zavidime. Co skoro, zavidime:-) Třeba i to jezero:-) Jenom to pocasi...tak to je tady o hodne lepsi. Zase kdyby jste mneli tepleji, nemeli by kluci ty uzasny mikiny:-) Ty jsou fantasticky:-)!

  3. Thank you! Jesse is starting lax in May, so there are the sweatshirts and of course, Lucas just had to have the same thing! Sounds familiar if you have more children? :-)

    Dekujeme! Jesse zacina hrat lax v kvetnu, tak proto ty mikiny, a Lukas samozrejme musel mit uplne stejnou! Zni vam to povedome? No jestli mate vice nez jednou dite tak urcite! :-)
